About Us

Welcome to The Full-Time Tourist!

My name is Deni Verklan, a 22-year-old Canadian with a passion for travel, photography, writing and gluten-free & plant-based foods. (Though that last one is more of an “I’m intolerant to gluten and dairy, so I have to” more than a passion.) I originally created The Full-Time Tourist to chronicle my time exploring Toronto whilst pursuing my university degree full-time. It has since become a hub for people like me who love to travel and want to find adventure in everyday life.

I first came up with the idea of The Full-Time Tourist when I moved across the country from Edmonton, Alberta to Toronto, Canada for my full-time journalism studies at Ryerson University. Before moving to Toronto, I had only flown out of Toronto and had never stepped foot inside of the city. My move-in day to residency on campus was actually my first time in the city! Since then, I have been a tourist in the city I call home. The only factor keeping me from exploring the rest of the world is my full-time student status, which currently explains my blog name (The Full-Time Tourist) and will hopefully become my full-time career after I graduate in May 2017. Currently, I share my travel stories, city/neighbourhood guides, travel tips, lifestyle tips and gluten-free & plant-based recipes on the blog.

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Who is The Full-Time Tourist?

Hi there! I’m Deni Verklan, a Canadian freelance journalist and blogger with a passion for travel, photography, writing, and gluten-free & plant-based foods. (Though that last one is more of a necessity.) The Full-Time Tourist is a travel blog for those who love to travel, but want to stick to a budget, and for those traveling with food allergies/dietary restrictions. Here you will find my travel stories, city/neighbourhood guides, travel tips, lifestyle tips and gluten-free & plant-based recipes.

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Instagram: @thefulltimetourist
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